About Me

If you were to ask me what I do for a living, at the moment I would say, "I live."

I'm a recent college graduate (it's only been a year, guys!) who still gets majorly confused when people ask me about my life plans.

Life is meant to be lived, not planned!

Um...well, I might not entirely believe that. I love to plan things, but I've also learned that God often disrupts our best laid plans.

I started a blog my senior year of college to share how I had learned to take off my mask and discover the truth about God (which you can read about here: "Finding God in the Stained Glass Masquerade")

I am a Christian who grew up in church, became disengaged, and found God again on my own. I want to live a life fully committed to Christ, not as a simple "fan" but a follower (Check out the book by Kyle Idleman).

My blog chronicles my journey as a follower of Christ, and I have no idea where it will lead.
Biscoff Cheesecake Pie

And it has random photos. Because I'm a photographer, and who doesn't like looking at pictures of yummy food?

Basically, I'm just a 20-something who likes food, is trying to figure out life, and occasionally has some profound ideas to share.

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