Monday, November 3, 2014

One Good Deed

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness."
"Though it seems enough to condemn him."

Indeed. But what is enough to redeem a man? Because in human terms, there was no way for Jack Sparrow to ever turn his life around from being a pirate. I'm not sure that he wanted to, but if these were real people, and not characters in a movie, is there any possible way for a man who was a pirate to be forgiven and start over? Would anyone give him a second chance?

Snow White...she was a little bit different than Captain Jack (although I admit, I find the Captain a much more entertaining character). She was pure, kind-hearted, always caring for others. For her entire life, which, because of the curse, was a lot longer than the average lifetime, she was good. Always giving of herself to others.

Except once.

And once was all it took.