Having grown up in church, God and Jesus have always been
present to me and always been a pair I believed in without question. I never
needed to question it because it had always been so. Until I reached college
and had all these different ideas thrown at me, from Christians and
non-Christians alike. I no longer knew what to believe except that God existed.
This was a fact that could not be questioned, and through those first three
years of uncertainty, God’s existence is what I clung to.
The summer before my senior year of college I finally got to
experience traveling abroad. I was so excited to get my first stamp in my
passport! The reason for this travel was that I was going for four weeks to be
a media intern for a mission’s organization in the Dominican Republic. I
remember admitting to one of my art professors before I left that I did not feel as
close to God as I thought I should, and he answered that I’d better figure that
out before I went down to serve! I knew he was right, but still it was hard
because I felt that I was forcing something on myself that I did not want. It’s
not that I had an annoying friend who went to church and always begged me to
come and told me about God and tried to convince me; I was that friend to
myself. I was like Smeagol and Gollum, one having all the answers and knowledge
and trying to tell the other this is how it should go, and the other not
wanting to listen or believe. I didn’t want to hear about God; I knew about
God, and I knew how it was supposed to go but still it did not go that way and
I began to believe that religion was something we all made up to make us feel
better. Even as I write this I am surprised to recognize some of these thoughts
because I never thought I would be the person having them. But I did, I did
think that Christianity was made up and that even though God was real, I would
never feel him in my life because real live faith just didn’t exist. I consoled
myself by saying I just was not a good enough Christian and if at some point in
my life I did get serious about God, then maybe these powerful transformations
I heard about would really happen. If such things really did happen and were
not all the masks we put on to show we have it all together.

But like I said, I went for a month to the Dominican. I was
expecting that showing up there would automatically solve all of my problems,
God would become so real and awesome to me like when Paul saw him on the road
to Damascus that I would have to fall on my face and surrender everything to
him. And then I would be back on track and fall in love with God again and have
faith in what I believed in, easy peezy lemon squeezy. But that’s not how it
My first week in the Dominican, nothing happened. Like,
nothing. I couldn’t even see how God was involved at all in the work we were
doing, because we were just doing the same things that any secular humanitarian
organization would do. But then I thought of something. The difference between
a mission’s and a humanitarian organization is not in what they do but in whom
they do it for. I actually just thought of that right now, what my first
thought was back then was that, maybe I should read my Bible. I brought my
Bible, of course, because that’s just what you do when you go on a mission’s
trip, but I had not once even thought to open it the first week while I was
there. And I guess if you want to have a relationship with someone, like, say
God, you’re going to have to spend some time with him.

So for the next week, I did. And I kept waiting for my
“Damascus” moment. I thought that God was going to show up and rock my world
because I was being obedient and consistent in reading my Bible. And it didn’t
happen. Not to me. One of the girls who came down that week found the real God
and became a Christian, and yeah I was a little jealous of the spiritual high
she was experiencing. But I just kept reading my Bible. And then one afternoon
I was alone in the dorm and had some extra quiet time with God. And I drew a
little bit closer to God that afternoon and learned some things that I would
have missed had I not been quiet and still before him. Like when God shows
himself to Elijah, he first sends the storm and the earthquake and the fire,
but God is not in the fire. He comes after in the still small whisper.
Sometimes you just need to fall on your face before God and let him be who he

One of the themes this summer was about telling your story of what God had done in our lives. I told my story of how I grew up in church, went every Sunday morning, night, Wednesday night and everything in between. It felt like a great build up to a climatic moment in the story, but then I just ended there. Because I did not know what came after that...but now I have a new chapter to my story! Ask me now how I know about God and I will tell you!
But you see, the story doesn't end there (unfortunately for the reader, as this is an excessively long post).
Because what God started actually in an airport with a man
from one of the teams on the way down to the Dominican did not end with a hug
from mom and dad on the way home. Growth
does not end when you return home. I was given a book to read while I was
in the Dominican, which I did not actually read then. But I am reading it now,
and I think the timing is just right. It is called Not A Fan by a pastor named Kyle Idleman. But I am getting ahead of
When I came back to school, I went to the little church I
had just started going to at the end of last semester. I believe this was my
fourth time there. When I saw the topic for Sunday School, I groaned because it
was something I knew and I wanted to learn something new (not knew!). The topic
was “how do we know that Jesus is God?” I already know Jesus is God. But
something strange happened to me in Sunday School that day. You know that
“Damascus” moment I was waiting for all summer? This is the day it happens. And
it’s still not that bright light shining, blowing my mind away, but this is God
doing something big in my life and finally opening my eyes to see. You know
what, maybe my “Damascus” moment happened years ago when I was a young happy
Christian, and this was just the scales falling off of my eyes. It was strange;
we were just going through the Scriptures where Jesus claims to be “I AM,” and
suddenly it made sense. This was another one of those “y tu” moments. Where I
had known this all my life but I felt like I was hearing it for the first time,
and I thought, “Yeah, that does make sense! That is a logical argument why we
should believe that Jesus is God.” And I thought that if I wasn’t already a
Christian who already believed all of this, I could nod my head to that
argument and maybe think about believing. Which is exactly what I did.
It was later that evening, in the setting sun, sitting on
the fountain with my book, Not A Fan,
that I finally realized why I believe
what I believe. Why I am a Christian.
Certainly any modern day Pharisee would pick up a book like that and imagine
coming out of it as a follower rather than a fan. So after that night’s reading
I decided it was time for this Pharisee to say she was not a fan. But this is
not just “Pharisee Julia” talking. This is the Julia who has been slowly
learning more about the God she has always claimed to know, and has been
(slowly) building a relationship with. Reading it that night, I felt like
there was a whole God out there I knew nothing about. And to a Pharisee, that
is terrifying. Reading some of the Scriptures Kyle was pulling out as to what a
follower looked like, it was overwhelming. With all my church schooling, I
honestly had no idea what a follower’s life would look like. How in the world do
I give up the world when I happen to live in the world, for God? How do I give
up my home? Does that mean I must sell everything, stand on the street corner
in sackcloth and proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God? Seriously, I
didn’t know. So I thought I could ask God. So the prayer begins, Jesus, help me
to know how to follow you. And then the question: why? Why? Why? I didn’t know I had to have a reason! Because I’m a
Christian and that’s what we do. Why? Because people think I’m a Christian so
eventually I’m going to have to start acting like one. And then I gave up the masquerade.
Coming from an empty slate, why do you want to be a follower
of Jesus? And I went back to what I had always believed: that God exists, and
that God is sovereign. No matter what, God is God and that alone makes him
worthy of praise. That needs no why, that is. That is my starting point for the
logical argument, and the reasoning on side B is because it is a truth. From
there we can move on. Let’s look at the arguments we talked about in Sunday
School today: Jesus claims to be “I AM;” he is claiming to be God. Jesus rose
from the dead and we have lots of evidence of that. Let me say, that based on
this, I am convinced that Jesus is who he says he is, that Jesus is God. And if Jesus is God and God is
Sovereign, then to follow God means to follow Jesus. And that, dear friends, is
why I, Julia, am a follower of Jesus Christ.
WOW! Amen! I am blown away! Praise be to God! I am excited for what God has in store for you and to walk and watch you go through this process of becoming a FOLLOWER of Jesus Christ!